DigiCulture (Improving the Digital Competences and Social Inclusion of Adults in Creative Industries) created a sustainable and accessible online course focused on openness and inclusivity and aimed at low digital skilled adult learners in the creative industries (CI) from Romania, Italy, Austria, Denmark, Lithuania, UK and Ireland.Weiterlesen →

The DigiCulture project was presented in various sessions of the Digital Skills for Education & Culture Online International Workshop. Over 1,500 participants were present online and the event was addressed to all actors in the field of creative industries, culture, artists, students, academics, and more. More details here!
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On 4th November 2021, Prof. Mark Brown from Dublin City University (DCU) presented at the EADTU Conference in Bari, Italy. The presentation was entitled Digital Badging for DigiCulture: A Case Study. Abstract: Digital badges as part of the alternative digital credential ecology are an increasingly popular way to motivate, recognise,Weiterlesen →

Die Politehnica-Universität Timișoara organisierte vom 22. bis 23. Juli 2021 über das e-Learning Center und das Multimedia Center zusammen mit der IAFeS International Association und der Triade Foundation die IAFeS International Conference NETTIES & DigiCulture Erasmus+ Closing Workshop. Die Veranstaltung versammelte über 500 Teilnehmer sowohl physisch im Auditorium des UPT-Konferenzzentrums als auch virtuell über Zoom und Facebook.
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