The DigiCulture project Summary and Results
The project addressed the low emphasis in CI education on the use of digital technologies, with recent graduates and existing employees lacking important skills.Citiți mai multe →
The project addressed the low emphasis in CI education on the use of digital technologies, with recent graduates and existing employees lacking important skills.Citiți mai multe →
Watch the DigiCulture project dissemination video, featuring a collage of images and footage from events within the project from 2018 to 2021!Citiți mai multe →
The DigiCulture web courses and their evaluation on the UniCampus platform were presented online, on October 15 2021, by lect. dr. Silviu Vert (Politehnica University Timișoara) at ICIST 2021.Citiți mai multe →
Summary 06.1 This document describes the overall quality assurance framework used during the lifetime of the project. It outlines the general principles of quality control employed, the elements of the project which required monitoring and the processes by which this was achieved. Quality assurance was achieved through mutually agreed peerCitiți mai multe →
Summary 04.1 This report shows the work done for the O4.1 Digital Skills E-Assessment Tool. It covers work from May 2019 to August 2021 on e-validation of digital skills for the DigiCulture MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses). During this period, the DigiCulture project has designed the e-assessment tool, performed userCitiți mai multe →
Summary 03.1 This document provides the Curricula of the Digital Skills for Culture Courses as of December 2019, and then July 2020, revised in May 2021. The partners worked to build a valid curriculum, by refining the course goals, in order to fit the latest digital media innovations and requirementsCitiți mai multe →
Summary O2.1 This document proposes the design of the Virtual Learning Hub from the technical point of view. This Output is dedicated to designing, implementing and usability testing of an integrated Virtual Learning Hub for developing DSC using Online, Open & Flexible Higher Education Approaches and Practices. The DSC LearningCitiți mai multe →
Universitatea Politehnica din Timișoara, prin Centrul e-Learning și Centrul Multimedia împreună cu Asociația Internațională IAFeS și Fundația Triade au organizat, în perioada 22-23 iulie 2021, Conferința Internațională IAFeS NETTIES & DigiCulture Erasmus + Atelier de închidere. Evenimentul a adunat peste 500 de participanți atât fizic, în Auditoriul Centrului de Conferințe UPT, cât și virtual, prin Zoom și Facebook.
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A DigiCulture Multiplier Event specifically on digital tools and music was held at Shirley Methodist Church in Solihull on 27 July 2021. Participants were members of several orchestras from the Birmingham area who joined with Solihull Symphony Orchestra for a play day and a seminar on DigiCulture.Citiți mai multe →
În 26 ianuarie 2021, Universitatea Politehnica din Timișoara, prin intermediul Centrului de e-Learning, a avut o întâlnire virtuală de proiect Digital Culture cu partenerii de la Universitatea Graz, JME Associates Ltd, Università degli Studi di Roma Tre, Aalborg Universitet, Asociația Națională a Distanței Educație, Universitatea Dublin City și Fundația Jecza, pentru a discuta starea actuală a tuturor partenerilor și planificarea activităților viitoare.Citiți mai multe →
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