DigiCulture project – part of the Digital Skills for Education & Culture Online International Workshop Agenda & part of the #DigiSkills2021 Visual Identity
The DigiCulture project was presented in various sessions of the Digital Skills for Education & Culture Online International Workshop. Over 1,500 participants were present online and the event was addressed to all actors in the field of creative industries, culture, artists, students, academics, and more. More details here!
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DigiCulture @ I.HE2021 Innovating Higher Education
On 4th November 2021, Prof. Mark Brown from Dublin City University (DCU) presented at the EADTU Conference in Bari, Italy. The presentation was entitled Digital Badging for DigiCulture: A Case Study. Abstract: Digital badges as part of the alternative digital credential ecology are an increasingly popular way to motivate, recognise,Læs mere →
Video: The DigiCulture project dissemination: the road so far
Watch the DigiCulture project dissemination video, featuring a collage of images and footage from events within the project from 2018 to 2021!Læs mere →
DigiCulture Multiplier Event for orchestras in Solihull
A DigiCulture Multiplier Event specifically on digital tools and music was held at Shirley Methodist Church in Solihull on 27 July 2021. Participants were members of several orchestras from the Birmingham area who joined with Solihull Symphony Orchestra for a play day and a seminar on DigiCulture.Læs mere →
DigiCulture Multiplier-begivenhed i Litauen
Den 15. juli fandt en multiplikatorbegivenhed sted for projektet "DigiCulture - Improving the Digital Competences and Social Inclusion of adults in Creative Industries" i Litauen og samlede næsten 30 repræsentanter fra forskellige kulturelle felter. Målet med Digiculture -projektet er at skabe et bæredygtigtLæs mere →