DigiCulture @ I.HE2021 Innovating Higher Education

On 4th November 2021, Prof. Mark Brown from Dublin City University (DCU) presented at the EADTU Conference in Bari, Italy. The presentation was entitled Digital Badging for DigiCulture: A Case Study.


Digital badges as part of the alternative digital credential ecology are an increasingly popular way to motivate, recognise, and display learning achievements across educational settings. This case study explores the design and implementation of digital badges across a series of online courses in the area of digital upskilling. The 13 courses, which focus on the development of digital skills relevant to individuals and groups in the cultural and creative industries, were developed by a consortium of 8 European partners as part of DigiCulture, an Erasmus+ project, led by Politehnica University of Timișoara. Each course implemented its own assessment criteria and associated badge. The case study intends to present, drawing on the experiences of both the badge issuers and the badge earners (students), the insights and lessons learned from each phase of the badging process, including the badging strategy, visual and graphic design, badge content, and rollout. The basic premise being that sharing what worked but also what could have been done better is critical to future planning and development in this field.

Link til dias: https://www.slideshare.net/mbrownz/digital-badging-for-digiculture-a-case-study

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