Diana Andone, project coordinator, together with Radu Vasiu, both from the Politehnica University of Timisoara, participated in the 19th IEEE ICALT 2019 (International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies), in Maceió, Brasil, during 13-18 July 2019. IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefitRead More →

During Open Education Week 2019, EDEN (European Distance and e-Learning Network) organized a series of webinaries focused on the impact of open education, the importance of open educational resources and online courses, changes in global higher education due to the digital world and open education. Dr. Diana Andone, director ofRead More →

The main objective of this DigiCulture Online Survey is to collect and analyze information on digital education and skills for those working in the Creative Industries for educational purposes. Participants in this survey are being asked to answer questions relating to their work experience, experience with online courses and reasons for developing Digital and Transectoral competences. The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete.Read More →

În perioada 04-05 octombrie 2018, a avut loc la Timișoara întâlnirea de debut a proiectului Perfecționarea competențelor digitale și îmbunătățirea incluziunii sociale a adulților în industriile creative – Cultură Digitală (Digital Culture) . Gazdă a fost Universitatea Politehnica Timișoara, partener coordonator al proiectului, care a organizat întâlnirea în cadrul Centrului de ID/IFR și e-Learning al universității.Read More →