On the 19th March 2021, DigiCulture workshop was presented during the 4th edition of Fiera Didacta, an unmissable meeting for teachers, headmasters, trainers and every person who works in educational field: it is the most important event about innovation at school in Italy.

Digiculture workshop gives participants the opportunity to develop guidelines for a MOOC on digital skills for stakeholders in the Creative Industries (CI), especially in museums. During the workshop, participants have been asked to work in small interdisciplinary groups in order to design a MOOC on the development of digital competencies in the field of Education, to be integrated into DAD, according to different levels of Education.

Antonella Poce and Maria Rosaria Re spoke about the development of digital skills through MOOCs anc OERs in a museum context and presented DigiCulture courses for Digital skills development within CI professionals.

The debate took place online, it was meant to encourage and strengthen the dialogue between the main actors interested in the education system and to facilitate the promotion of digital skills in museum contexts. The presentation aroused interest in the 15 participants and was followed by a series of constructive and interesting questions and discussions in the chat area.