Rectorate and Directorate General
Via Ostiense, 159, 00154 Roma - www.uniroma3.it/en/
Centre for Museum Studies, Department of Education
Via del Castro Pretorio 20, 00185 Roma - cdm.uniroma3.it/en/
University of Roma Tre
The University of Roma Tre has been founded in 1992, being the youngest university in Rome, counting about 40.000 students. It has rapidly grown in terms of enrolments as well as in the number of academic courses offered. It has gained a very good reputation in the most prominent academic rankings, especially among the most recently founded institutions. Roma Tre University is organized in 12 departments offering Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, Postgraduate and Advanced courses, PhDs and Specialisation Schools.
The Centre for Museum Studies (CDM) is based at the Department of Education Roma Tre University and was set up in 1994 with the aim of encouraging a more targeted use of museum heritage in Italy, especially for educational purposes. Therefore, the Centre has always developed research in the field of museum education, with a specific focus on visitors’ needs and expectations looking for a match with each museum offer. CDM is institutional member of the Committee for Education and Cultural Action (CECA) of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) (since November 2011). The Centre has worked on joint projects with over fifty Italian museums for studies on museum visitors’ profile and on the relationship between education and heritage fruition. It has also carried out projects for designing educational programmes in cooperation with many international institutions.