DigiCulture Multiplier Event: Scaling up DigitalCulture in Europe
Digitale Kompetencer for Kreative Hjerner Abstrakt: Hvordan kan vi bruge teknologier til at udfolde os kreativt? Hvordan kan vores digitale kompetencer styrkes? Bastian I. Hougaard og Hendrik Knoche er med i DigiCulture – et EU projekt som forsker i at kortlægge og styrke vores digitale kompetencer. I oplægget vil duRead More →
Visit from VisionDenmark Creative Business Alliance
Aalborg University had the pleasure to host Jan from VisionDenmark Creative Business Alliance. During the visit DigiCulture’s vision was shared and two courses, Virtual & Augmented Reality and Mobile Apps & User Experience was exhibited. VisionDenmark Creative Business Alliance is a business cluster who exists to bring the creative industryRead More →
Moodle E-Assessment Workshop at Aalborg University
Professor Hendrik Knoche, who is part of the AAU partnership with DigiCulture had the opportunity to hold a joint workshop with Professor Kjeld Nielsen on Moodle’s e-assessment abilities. The workshop focused on giving teachers the skills to construct quizzes which automatically assess content and evaluate the e-learner’s performance by providingRead More →
DigiCulture Workshop at The Danish VR Network’s Theme Day.
The Danish VR Network is a network for stakeholders working with VR in health contexts. They invited teachers, designers and IT engineers from the creative industry as well as health care professionals with interdisciplinary backgrounds to participate in an annual Virtual Reality Theme Day. Hendrik Knoche and Bastian Ilsø HougaardRead More →
Badges in MOOCs: Presentation at Gamification Workshop at ArtsIT
In parallel with ongoing work on Output O4: Digital Skills E-Assessment and Open Digital Badges for Adult Education, a presentation was given at the ArtsIT Gamification workshop of a publication on designing badges for MOOCs. The publication is titled Stars, Crests and Medals: Visual Badge Design Framework to Gamify &Read More →